Sunday, October 3, 2010

Close your eyes…

Close your eyes

Imagine you are in the middle of a forest

Take a deep breath

How do you feel?

There is a silence all around, and quiet sounds

The forest is alive, but calm

You are part of it, but separate

You feel harmony

A bird calls out overhead

You understand, intuitively, there is a sacred pattern, a holiness, a symbiosis

Everything works

Everything feeds everything else

Everything is connected

You take another deep breath

A soothing peace washes over you, in you, through you

You feel open

In that silence, you begin to feel a little more you, somehow…

It seems easier without all the noise of the city

Everything that ever seemed wrong or bad seems less so…

You feel a little stronger, a little more forgiven, a little less angry

You feel like you can maybe get some answers to those questions that have been holding out on you; that you never quite get around to: why am I alive? Why did I have that argument? Who haven’t I been in touch with? What do I love? What makes me happy? What are the hidden talents I have yet to discover?

Everything becomes clear

All at once, I realize I am the deer running through the woods, freely…

I never discovered the freedom within me

I never saw the beauty in me

I never realized

I am Maral.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same, you brought all the right words together and described the scenes that I always imagine. Good Job beautiful deer:)

    I am sure you will attain anything you want in your life, anything that can bring happiness to your life. I am sure:)
