Saturday, October 9, 2010

having bad day? Or did someone say something about you or to you that hurt you?
your relationship making you feel upset...sad or frustrated?
Or perhaps you dealing with money troubles or problems with your job?
Or at last....maybe you just don't like where you're at in life?

I've felt all these things.
one of those days where in the silence of just hearing the shower running while you try to wash off the worries of the day...the only thing to listen to is the thoughts in your mind...and sometimes they just start getting you down.

my life is messed up...
huh! I'm doing nothing with my life...
what am I going to do for money...
what is my life worth anyway....

Something slaps me
I'm shocked
I hear
You are precious, valuable and worth all the treasure in the world!

You, me...we all can be OVERCOMERS! We can overcome any bad day, relationship, heartache, hater, sadness, depression, lack of money...anything!

Leave your past behind you...your future doesn't need you to bring you "past-port" to get in! Right?

You are not limited by mistakes in your past or what someone says you are....
Your future is waiting for you....
for you to pick yourself up...
and say, "NO WAY! I'm not letting anyone's words or any of these circumstances try to stop the sparkle that I have in my heart...and the happiness that is waiting for me in the future.

You are free baby!
Free to be wonderful.
Free to shine!
Free to say, "I'm not a prisoner of my past, or my bad day, or what someone said about me......I am free to be happy, free to shine the love that's in my heart, free to show the world the gifts and talents that are in my heart!"

You are free to walk with colorful-balloons of happiness in your heart where ever you go! Don't let anyone or any circumstance steal your joy!

If today, or yesterday was a bad day for you...
or you've been fighting off sadness or depression....
the good news is: It may have been in your yesterday....
but it doesn't need to be in your "right now"...
or your tomorrow!

I'm leaving my past, my yeterday, and all that's troubling me...
right here...
it's not coming with me into this next minute....

I will never ever be overwhelmed....
but I WILL overcome anything and anyone that tries to overwhelm me! OVERCOMERS unite!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Close your eyes…

Close your eyes

Imagine you are in the middle of a forest

Take a deep breath

How do you feel?

There is a silence all around, and quiet sounds

The forest is alive, but calm

You are part of it, but separate

You feel harmony

A bird calls out overhead

You understand, intuitively, there is a sacred pattern, a holiness, a symbiosis

Everything works

Everything feeds everything else

Everything is connected

You take another deep breath

A soothing peace washes over you, in you, through you

You feel open

In that silence, you begin to feel a little more you, somehow…

It seems easier without all the noise of the city

Everything that ever seemed wrong or bad seems less so…

You feel a little stronger, a little more forgiven, a little less angry

You feel like you can maybe get some answers to those questions that have been holding out on you; that you never quite get around to: why am I alive? Why did I have that argument? Who haven’t I been in touch with? What do I love? What makes me happy? What are the hidden talents I have yet to discover?

Everything becomes clear

All at once, I realize I am the deer running through the woods, freely…

I never discovered the freedom within me

I never saw the beauty in me

I never realized

I am Maral.